Physical Medicine

QA Programs for Uptake Probes and Well Counters

Why You Should Be Using Knee Extensions After ACL Reconstruction

Many therapists and surgeons refuse to use resisted open-kinetic chain (OKC) knee extensions with patients who have undergone ACL reconstruction (ACLR) for fear of tearing the ACL/increasing laxity.  But when you look at the hordes of research on ACL reconstruction, you can absolutely safely and effectively use knee extensions with this patient population.  In fact, there are many people out there, myself included, who think that refusing to even consider them after ACL surgery is doing a disservice to your patient. >>

QA Programs for Uptake Probes and Well Counters

When Can I Return To Sport After ACL Surgery?

This question is one that I get asked often by patients who are planning surgery after rupturing their ACL. Unfortunately for my patients, I don’t have an answer that makes them feel warm and fuzzy on the inside.

My usual response is a long thoughtful sigh, followed by “How long is a piece of string?”. I also follow that up with the sobering statistic that 80% of ACL reconstruction (ACLR) patients return to some form of sport, 65% return to the same sporting level and only 55% return to sport at a competitive level within 1-2 YEARS post ACLR. >>

QA Programs for Uptake Probes and Well Counters

More Tenacious with Tyrann Mathieu

Tyrann Mathieu is free safety and cornerback for the Arizona Cardinals.  Drafted from Louisiana State University in 2011 where he was recognized as a consensus All-American and a finalist for the Heisman Trophy. On December 8,2013  Mathieu tore both his ACL and LCL in a game against the St. Louis Rams. On December 10, he was placed on the injured reserve, officially ending his rookie season.

Continue reading the story and view the video on the Arizona Cardinals web site to see how Tyrann is using the Biodex Multi-Joint System to get back on the field. >>

QA Programs for Uptake Probes and Well Counters

Optimizing knee joint mobilization – back to normal ROM

John Cavanaugh, PT/ATC, Senior Clinician at the Sports Medicine Center at the Hospital for Special Surgery in New York City, has been using dynamometers for about 30 years. After all this time, he still finds new ways to apply the device to solve clinical problems for his patients.

Using a Biodex System 4, Cavanaugh has found a way to combine the System’s Passive Mode with joint mobilizations to steer a complicated, stiff knee back to normal ranges of motion. He used this technique as part of his quest to get his patient back out on the basketball court. >>

QA Programs for Uptake Probes and Well Counters

Age is Just a Number

In these times, it seems that age is really just a number. Independent living is now becoming mainstream for the elderly and even people who would have been perceived as “old” in the past continue to achieve significant life and professional goals, despite the number tag that is attached to them.

You could say there is a few reasons for this. People understand medical science better than ever before, and are looking after themselves physically better than ever before, be it from a nutrition, lifestyle and exercise point of view.

The current stats from Ireland point to an ever increasing age in our population which again shows that we are looking after ourselves better. When it comes to proving this point with a real-life scenario, there is definitely no shortage of examples. Take Rupert Murdoch; he embodies the concept of age being a highly active businessman at the ripe age of 82. This Australian business magnet has amassed enormous wealth within the broadcast and entertainment industries for decade after decade.

Find out about some more admirable older people in our infographic below and see just how much age really doesn’t matter! Our impressive facts and figures about the aging population in Ireland, will really blow you away. >>

QA Programs for Uptake Probes and Well Counters

Youth sports concussion law takes effect New Years Day

(WBIR) A state law aimed at reducing concussions in youth sports and increasing awareness about traumatic brain injury took effect Wednesday, Jan. 1.

Under the law, coaches, athletes and parents must learn about the dangers of concussions before competing. Secondly, if a young athlete may have suffered a concussion they can’t play until being cleared by a medical professional. Students will also be required to leave a sporting event if they’ve been showing concussion symptoms like headaches, dilated eyes or vomiting. The law also require coaches, athletes and their parents to sign documents, proving they understand the risks of concussions before a young athlete can compete. >>