Falls are one of the greatest causes of serious health problems among older adults and therapists at Ministry Good Samaritan Health Center have a new tool to help patients with balance issues.
The rehabilitation services department at Ministry Good Samaritan recently installed a BioSway portable balance assessment and training device. This new technology provides testing for balance deficiencies and training programs to help those recovering from an injury or illness remain mobile or regain mobility.
“This is a significant tool to have for our patients,” said Sue George, supervisor of occupational therapy at Ministry Good Samaritan. “All of the test results can be stored and printed which allows us to easily track the progress of our patients and compare the results to normative data.”
BioSway features a lightweight portable instrumented platform and monitor that has six training modes and three testing protocols. Population data is stored and projected with a visual on the screen that allows the clinician to easily monitor the patient and acts to motivate during interactive training and testing.
While the benefits of assessment and training for falls prevention is a major capability of the BioSway, it can also help assess neurological conditions, Parkinson’s or stroke to treat and re-train balance and gait skills. With progressive testing and training programs; it can also address balance deficiencies in post-surgical hip, knee and ankle patients.
“Because of the availability of real-time feedback, we can utilize the training modes to challenge our patients and compare results to communicate the need, progress and outcome of their rehabilitation program,” added George.
Because BioSway is portable, it can be taken to any area of the hospital to provide assessments. It also will become valuable resource for Ministry Good Samaritan in the community as it can be used at various events for free screenings. It was purchased as the result of a grant from the Ministry Good Samaritan Foundation.
“This is another example of our foundation supporting our facility,” said Mary Witte, director of Diagnostic & Therapeutic Services. “This will provide immediate benefits to our established patients and those in the community we meet at various events and we look forward to sharing this resource and reduce the risk of falls and injury in our community.”
Ministry Good Samaritan offers two fully equipped state of the art rehabilitation centers, in the Menard Center on the Ministry Good Samaritan Campus and on Merrill’s east side at 100 Eagle Drive. From restoring function to preventing injuries, from minor therapy to major rehabilitation, individualized one-on-one treatment is available for people of all ages with physical, occupational and speech therapy programs available. For more information, please call 715-539-2466.