Physical therapy improves balance and prevents falls
Research has shown that approximately 1/3 of all adults over the age of 65 suffer
Research has shown that approximately 1/3 of all adults over the age of 65 suffer
EL PASO (KTSM) — A new report finds a concussion should not only take student athletes off the field, it could also keep some of them out of school.
The American Academy of Pediatrics recommended children with severe symptoms stay home from school until they are cleared by their doctor.
“We’re talking about the brain and the number one thing you use when you’re in the classroom is the brain,” said Claudia Garduno with Spine and Rehab Specialists. “We’re asking students to learn things, to process things, to be listening and be attentive, but when the brain is injured, obviously that’s going to be a big difficulty for them.” >>
Prevention of slips, trips and falls is important to enable older adults to maintain active,
Pediatricians are being warned not to stick their necks out too far in protecting the heads of their young patients. And to put on their own helmets. A recent article in the AAP News, the official news magazine of the American Academy of Pediatrics, the major professional organization of US pediatricians, is cautioning providers about the long reach of new legislation around concussions into the private lives and lifestyles of parents and patients. >>
May is Older Americans Month and this year’s theme is “Unleash the Power of Age.”
The focus on power is an opportunity to revisit one of the most frequent causes of injury and even death to older adults – falling.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, one in three adults age 65 and older falls each year. >>
Women have been increasing in numbers in participation in all of sport. Women’s soccer, basketball,
There is heated discussion among medical professionals about whether or not to do open kinetic chain (OKC) exercises after anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) reconstruction surgery. A mountain of new information supports the safe use of open-kinetic chain (OKC) knee extensions after ACL reconstruction (ACLR). With science behind you, you can do it! >>
Biodex is pleased to continue our support of the Foundation for Physical Therapy’s Partners in Research program as a as Bronze Level Sponsor. The Foundation has made remarkable contributions to the field of Physical Therapy by providing doctoral scholarships, fellowships, and research grants to emerging physical therapist researchers. We are privileged to be part of the Partners in Research program. Our work together over the last 8 years has assisted Biodex in making significant technological advancements in Physical Rehabilitation. >>
Recognizing the growing need to provide enhanced concussion management for athletes, Texas SportsChiro staff members study and research the latest treatment protocols and science as well as invest in the latest technology.
Research results suggest balance is one of the three assessment pillars, along with cognitive testing and a symptom checklist for making safe return-to-play decisions following a head injury. The facility offers balance assessment to establish a reliable baseline of an athlete’s balance function. Taking this step prior to a head injury provides objective data about an athlete’s balance performance and becomes another tool for a healthcare provider in forming a plan for rehabilitation and return-to-play.
What is a Isokinetic Testing Machine?
Before we answer this question, the average person might be asking what language we are even speaking.
Don’t worry, it is english.
a combining form meaning “life” occurring in loanwords from Greek. Origin: combining form of Greek bíos life; akin to Latin vīvus living, Sanskrit jīvas.
referring to computers.
pertaining to an exercise providing variable resistance to a movement at a constant speed, with the assistance of specialized equipment. >>
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